Pope Francis

Pope Francis: Baptism Cannot Be Imposed on Unwilling Parents

Pope Francis has responded to a heartfelt letter from a grandmother, Oliva, who expressed her distress that her five-year-old granddaughter had not been baptized...

Pope Francis Reflects on the True Meaning of Kingship and the Kingdom of God

During his Angelus address on 24 November, Pope Francis reflected on the Gospel of John, where Jesus converses with Pontius Pilate before his crucifixion....

Solemnity of Christ the King: Three keys from the Pope for young people to face challenges with courage

This Sunday, on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Pope Francis offered three keys for young people to face...

Pope Francis’ Request to Canonists: “No justice without charity, no charity without justice”

Pope Francis called on canon lawyers and ecclesiastical law professionals to unify the values ​​of justice and charity. The Holy Father was speaking to...

Vatican Announces Apostolic Visit in December

The Holy See confirmed Pope Francis' one-day apostolic trip to Corsica, France, next month. This will mark the first papal visit to the island...

Pope Francis Proposes to have “Christ-like” Eyes

Pope Francis proposed that the faithful have “Christ-like” eyes and see God in the world and their brothers and sisters, with a “compassionate, welcoming...

Pope Francis Urges G20 Leaders to Unite Against Global Hunger Crisis

Pope Francis has made an urgent appeal to members of the G20, the group of world leaders of the world's major economies such as...

Homily of Pope Francis at the Mass for the World Day of the Poor 2024

On 17 November, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for the VIII World Day of the Poor, an initiative that began in...

Latest news

Pope Francis Experiences Respiratory Distress, Undergoes Bronchoscopies

Pope Francis suffered two episodes of acute respiratory failure on Monday, experiencing severe difficulty breathing due to a significant...

Pope Francis Honors Migrants and Refugees as ‘Missionaries of Hope'”

Pope Francis has announced the theme for the 111th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, calling migrants and refugees...

Vatican Honors Ukrainian Nun for Pro-Life Work with ‘Guardian of Life’ Award”

The Vatican's Academy for Life has awarded Sister Giustina Olha Holubets, a Ukrainian nun, the 2025 "Guardian of Life"...

Must read

Lent is a Waiting

We spend a lot of our lives waiting for...

Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

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