Pope Benedict

Cardinal Zen Grateful to Benedict XVI, Hopes to Remain a ‘powerful intercessor in heaven’ for China

Cardinal Joseph Zen hopes that the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will be a “powerful intercessor in heaven” for the Catholic Church in China...

Everything is Quiet Here: The Keralite Nuns at the Mortal Remains of Pope Benedict XVI 

The sisters left Via Casilina for the Vatican at half past five in the morning. While moving in the cold, their goal was to...

‘His prayer times were sacred’: Secretary of Benedict XVI 

The former secretary of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Bishop Georg Gänswein, recalled his prayer life. In an interview with EWTN, Bishop Gänswein assured that “prayer...

The Favourite Saint of Benedict XVI

The German Archbishop Georg Gänswein, who was secretary of Benedict XVI, told who was the favorite saint of Pope Emeritus. " His favorite saint was...

The First Pope in History to have Twitter

In the history of the Catholic Church, the first Pontiff who have an account on the social network Twitter is the late Pope Emeritus...

Saint John Paul II’s Original Tomb Opens for Benedict XVI 

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will be entombed in the original tomb of Saint John Paul II on 5 January after the funeral services presided...

They Pay Tribute to Benedict XVI with Grief and Gratitude 

The Vatican press office estimated that 65,000 people had made the pilgrimage throughout the day as they calculated the visitor count late Monday. Simple rituals...

Thousands Flowed to St.Peter’s Basilica to Pay Final Respects to Body of Benedict XVI

As the mortal remains of Benedict XVI were moved early Monday morning to St. Peter’s Basilica, thousands flowed to pay final respects to the...

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Saint Don Bosco Suggests How to Handle the Naughty Kids

We often see parents being very upset with naughty babies. Naughtiness, stubbornness, and cruelty are more common, especially in...

Five Benefits of a Good Education Suggested by Don Bosco

On 31 January, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of Saint John Bosco who was a teacher and...

Today in Christian History: January 31

January 31 314: Silvester becomes bishop of Rome (i.e.: pope) after Miltiades, but few genuine records will survive from his years. 366:...

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Pope’s Communications Day message, 2025


Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Akash Bashir, the Young Pakistani Salesian

A group of Christians from various Christian denominations travelled...

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