
Vatican Clears Way for Beatification of Spanish Franciscan Missionaries 

The Dicastery of the Causes of Saints has issued a decree on Monday 27, 2025 acknowledging that five Spanish Franciscans were martyred "in odium...

Iraq without Christians is Inconceivable: Pope Francis

Pope Francis writes in the preface to the book "The Christian Heritage in Iraq" by German journalist and theologian Matthias Kopp, spokesperson for the...

Escalation of the Conflict in Democratic Republic of The Congo Compounds Humanitarian Crisis

M23 rebels have seized new territory in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), encircling and seizing portions of Goma, the capital of...

“Open Wide the Doors to Welcome the Poor and the Vulnerable”: Pope Francis to Indian Bishops

Bhubaneswar: Pope Francis has called on the Indian Bishops to prioritize the poor and the vulnerable in their ministry urging them to open wide...

Catholic Science Event to Showcase “The Harmony Between the Catholic Faith and Science”

To demonstrate "the harmony between the Catholic faith and science," a group of Catholic scientists is organizing a gathering for Catholic high school students,...

Government Plans to Stop Funding Catholic Schools Create Dilemma in Education System in Mali

Charity organizations that now fund educational institutions in Mali are faced with a problem after the Malian government revealed plans to discontinue subsidizing education...

“Hope does not Disappoint, but Strengthens Us in Times of Trial”: Pope’s Message for World Day of the Sick

In his message for the 33rd World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis emphasizes that God is near to those who endure suffering, manifesting...

The Pope Encourages Catholic Institutional Communicators to Collaborate to Foster Hope

Pope Francis has spoken to the Presidents of Episcopal Commissions for Communications and the Directors of National Communications Offices, urging them to collaborate in...

Latest news

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6: 39-45) Judging Others

At the beginning of today’s Gospel reading, Jesus poses a striking question to his disciples: “Can a blind person...

Today in Christian History: March 1

March 1 1562: Huguenots, the French Protestants, are attacked at Vassy while worshiping in a barn; over sixty lost...

Readings of the Day: Saturday, March 01, 2025

A reaing from the Book of Sirach Sirach 17:1-15 God from the earth created man, and in his own image he...

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Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

Ten Years after Daesh Killed 21 Men on the Breach in Libya

This article is originally published in by Dr....

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Pope Francis Encourages to Live a “marital catechumenate”

Pope Francis highlighted the importance of preparation for the...

Novena to Divine Mercy- Day 7

Today, bring me the souls who venerate and glorify...

The Catholic Church Gains Two New Saints 

The Catholic Church gained two new saints on Sunday....