
Five Ways To Keep Your Mind Young

We need to keep our minds healthy even if we are in old age. Prayer plays an important role in that. At the same...

Do you Feel Fatigued? Then Pray to the Holy Mother

Archbishop Jorge Solorzano Perez of Nicaragua made a pilgrimage to the Church of Our Lady of Fatima. At that time he prayed for the...

How to Mould the Way of Speaking in Family 

Strong family ties are rare these days. Many people say that their spouse is finding fault with everything that they say. But have you...

Five Ways to be Happy

There is a scene in the movie Knocked Up. A father sits and watches the children play in the park, inflating bubbles. Their faces...

Spiritual Ways to Help you Sleep Peacefully

Proper sleep is one of the major factors affecting a person's health. When we do not a sound sleep, it can ruin not only...

The Submerged Churches You can Visit 

Here are some submerged churches that have a huge legacy and beauty that is unavoidable in your trip. Some of them are built 4-5...

Bible Verses for a Spiritual Retreat

Meditation is essential for living a better life. Sometimes, we use the term "retreat," which means withdrawing our mind and body from the world...

Feeling Neglected?  This Bible Verse can Make you Happy

Everyone has got the situation to be neglected in life. Whatever the situation the result is one, we begin to doubt our own abilities...

Latest news

Today in Christian History: March 03

March 3 1033: Passing away of Cunegunda, Queen of Bavaria, who left the palace to live in a Benedictine Nunnery...

Readings of the Day: Monday, March 03, 2025

A reading from the Book of Sirach Sirach 17:20-24 To the penitent God provides a way back, he encourages those who...

March 03: Saint Katharine Drexel

Saint Katharine Drexel was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America, on 26 November 1858. She...

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Saint Peter Damian Gives Advice on Sufferings and Problems

The feast of Saint Peter Damian is celebrated today....

Ten Years after Daesh Killed 21 Men on the Breach in Libya

This article is originally published in forbes.com by Dr....

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