Cardinal Porras Urges Catholics to Engage with Everyday Reality at Eucharistic Congress Conclusion

At the closing Mass of the Quito 2024 International Eucharistic Congress, Pope Francis’ Legate, Cardinal Baltazar Porras, encouraged the faithful to “go out and meet everyday reality.” He emphasized that Christians should be builders of hope in the world, transforming it according to God’s purpose.

Cardinal Porras highlighted the importance of fraternity, stating it is “consubstantial with the Christian faith” and an “evangelical imperative.” He noted that Christian brotherhood comes from Jesus being the Universal Brother and emphasized the need for acceptance and inclusivity.

The cardinal also reflected on the Eucharist, saying it is not just a memory but a memorial that actualizes God’s love and ignites the desire to serve. He warned of the global tragedy of massive migrations and the urgent need to care for our common home, particularly in Latin America.

Archbishop Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus expressed joy and relief after the Congress, announcing the creation of a network of parish soup kitchens called the Bread of Fraternity. Cardinal Porras revealed that the next International Eucharistic Congress will be held in Sydney, Australia, in 2028, marking 100 years since the city first hosted the event.

Daily Reading, Saints

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