The Franciscan nuns serving in India’s Tamil Nadu state open an opportunity to 300 young women by their establishment of ‘Assisi Garments’. It is a textile company that combines tradition, innovation and environmental protection. They took by heart Pope Francis’ ‘encyclical Laudato Si’ and the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi.
The establishment was started in 1994, when the Franciscan nuns began their mission work in Tamil Nadu. Then they focused on starting an activity to help young girls without work. The nuns paid particular attention to those who were affected by various disabilities, especially people who are deaf.
From the beginning they named it as ‘Assisi Apparel’, but three years later renamed as “Assisi Garments”, specializing in handmade cotton garments. Now around 300 employees work here and the nuns provide them a better salary. The 100% organic cotton product is their uniqueness in the field of textile industry. The profits from sales are used for various charitable works, in particular for a clinic for cancer patients, a hospice, an orphanage, a Centre for AIDS patients, assistance for lepers, and education including a school for the blind.