Are Our Apologies Genuine?

Conflicts are natural in relationships. In all relationships, even if it is a mere friendship, or inside the house, there are people who get angry and quarrel even over trivial things. Every conflict is different and so is the way we react can also be different. Some people can respond with self-control, while others overreact. It can also hurt the person on the opposite side. Apologies play a very important role in such situations. If you feel you reacted in a hurtful manner, you can warm up the relationship by apologizing.

There are many ways to sincerely apologize if you have hurt someone with your words.

In relationships, we may hurt the ones we love, so we should also be accustomed to apologizing sincerely. Some, on the other hand, are unwilling to apologize, believing that they did not mean to hurt and that there was no ulterior motive. Even when you hurt someone with words, even if it’s not intentional, a word of apology can save relationships.

* I’m sorry if I hurt you and I regret my behavior at the time.

*The way I responded was wrong and I apologize for that. I can learn to control my emotions when I’m upset.

*Excuse me, do I need to do something now?

What I did was not acceptable or right. I will change that behavior etc. are sincere forms of apology. Such apologetics will then change and improve their actions. What can be done to change it in the future will also be noted.

But instead of that, there are those who say sorry but are not sincere. They simply say ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I’m sorry if you were hurt’ or ‘I’m sorry you took it that way’. They may even deviate from the subject.

But ‘forgiveness’ is very easy to say with words. But it is also an essential element to be at peace in family relationships and friendships. Words and speech that lead to reconciliation will lead us to forgiveness. There are certain things that remind us how a person should learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness.

Forgive yourself first. Forgiving oneself is neither simple nor easy. But to love is a commandment. There is no love without forgiveness. We think about loving God and our brothers and sisters. But we often forget about loving ourselves. We live in fear of error. First start loving yourself and forgiving yourself.

There is a difference between forgiveness and forgetting. If something is not forgiven but forgotten, it cannot be said that you have been forgiven. Forgiveness and forgetfulness are two things. Forgiveness is a painful process. However, when we fully forgive someone, we gain greater freedom within.

Make sure the intention to forgive is pure. How are we to distinguish between fake forgiveness and true forgiveness? For that, it is good to ask ourselves some questions. Am I ready to forgive? Is the purpose of my forgiveness helping others grow? Am I willing to forgive before asking for forgiveness? Because our understanding is that true forgiveness has to be genuine and not just limited to a few words. The peace of mind that accompanies forgiveness heals our hearts. So let everyone be able to heal themselves and keep up good relationships with others by holding on to the value of patience.


Daily Reading, Saints

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