St. Vincent Ferrer is the patron saint of builders because of his fame for “building up” and strengthening the Church: He was a preacher, missionary, confessor and adviser. He was born to Saint Dominic in Valencia, Spain on 23 January 1357.
In the year 1374, he entered the Order of St. Dominic in a monastery near his native city. Soon after his profession, he was commissioned to deliver lectures on philosophy. He received his doctorate along with his indefinable preaching skills. After this, he labored for six years in Valencia, during which time he perfected himself in the Christian life.
In 1390, he was obliged to accompany Cardinal Pedro de Luna to France, but he soon returned home. When, in 1394, de Luna himself had become Pope at Avignon he summoned St. Vincent and made him Master of the sacred palace. In this capacity, St. Vincent made unsuccessful efforts to put an end to the great schism. He refused all ecclesiastical dignities, even the cardinal’s hat, and only craved to be appointed apostolical missionary. Now began those labors that made him the famous missionary of the fourteenth century.
He evangelized nearly every province of Spain and preached in France, Italy, Germany, Flanders, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Thousands converted the result of his preaching, which God Himself assisted by the gift of miracles. Though the Church was then divided by the great schism, the saint was honorably received in the districts subject to the two claimants to the Papacy. He lived to behold the end of the great schism and the election of Pope Martin V. Finally, crowned with labors, he died on 5April 5, 1419.