In a world full of uncertainties, the faith and trust of a couple in God’s providence enabled them to make a life-changing decision. Printo and Tresa, a couple from Marathakkara in Thrissur, Kerala, were expecting their second child and they received a heart-wrenching message: their unborn baby had a rare genetic disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, also known as British Bone Disease.
The words of the doctor were a shock for them, like any other parent: “Your baby has about 20 broken bones and no chance of survival. Even if she survives, there’s no chance to get a cure for this disease.” The suggestion for an abortion weighed them heavily on their minds, but Tresa’s resolve remained unshaken. With her husband’s support, she chose to put her trust in God’s plan.
Dr. Finto Francis, the consultant gynaecologist, reinforced their decision, “God will show you what to do at every moment.” Tresa recalls, “From the moment I made that decision until the day I gave birth, I was never overwhelmed by anxiety or worry.”
Catherine was in the womb with multiple fractures; but miraculously, none occurred during and after the delivery. For her, the first 13 days were very critical, on a ventilator and in intensive care. However, after her baptism, she started to breathe on her own. Tresa shares, “I felt as if God was saying, ‘I’m with you’.”
The condition of Catherine called for special care, as to feeding and other challenges. Tresa witnessed sympathetic looks and comforting words from others, but she remained steadfast in her faith. The consoling words of relative echoes in her mind: “God will give you courage when you trust in the Lord.”
Six years later, Catherine has become a vibrant, joyful presence in their life. Despite mild hydrocephalus and neck mobility issues, she has defied medical predictions. Tresa reflects, “We experienced God’s blessings leading us in the right direction.”
The story of Printo and Tresa is a powerful testimony to the power of faith and trust in God’s providence. Their journey of faith teaches us that even in uncertainties, God’s plan can lead us to miraculous results.
“Our own experience of God leading us in the right direction is a great blessing from God.” – Tresa
This inspiring story reminds us that faith can overcome even the most daunting challenges of everyday life, no matter how fragile we are, and holds immense value and purpose.
– Sunisha V. F.