A Few Suggestions to Follow as a Family during Lent

Many of the rituals of Lent are by its very nature private and personal; but with Lenten preparation time focusing primarily on ourselves, all we do as Christians is as a community. As our family is a community, we can share our Lent with family as we do anything else that is beautiful and important. Catholic news.in gives you a suggestion for this.

1. Dinner Time is Family Time

Although we are all very busy, we need to make sure that everyone is together in the family at mealtime. Even if we can’t always make it during the day, we need to set aside dinner time for our loved ones. If not everyone in the family is close, an online dinner (if the time is the same) can be prepared together with those who are far away.

2. Give Thanks before Meals in Restaurants and at Home

Generally speaking, Christ’s warning to pray without blinking can be taken seriously, but when done for the good of others, it can be a gentle and effective way of evangelism. We may sometimes feel a little hesitant and reluctant to pray in public places but understand that this is a testimony to others. This is the best opportunity that God can give to God.

3. A Family that Prays Together, and Lives Together

Many of the world’s problems are the direct result of not bringing God into our lives. Prayer can unify, heal, clarify, and inspire. You can start by giving thanks for the food and then continue with the rosary. A family that prays together lives in unity.

4. Bless the House

Having a home to live in is a blessing. It is good that this house is blessed. Especially during Lent. If you have a parish priest or a priest friend, you can certainly seek their help.

5. Say the Rosary with the Family

“A family that prays together stays together.” One can hardly think of a more beautiful way to bring prayer and the light of Christ into one’s home. It creates intimacy, humility, spirituality, and deep introspection.

6. Conduct Faith Training for Children

The main duty towards children is to love them and keep them safe. It is also important to teach them the faith that preserved their parents and ancestors. In that sense, Lent is an opportunity for the family to learn and grow together in faith.

7. Set up an Altar at Home

Placing an altar in the home can serve as a symbol of one’s faith, a center of attention, and a testimony to non-Christians.

8. Family Meditation

As life gets busier, the time spent on meditation becomes less and less. Therefore, spending time together as a family for meditation will help you to become closer to yourself, other members of the household, and God.

9. Volunteer at Parish as a Family

Few parishes have enough volunteers to run all their outreach programs; Talk to your parish priest and understand what ministry is needed so we can serve with the family.

10. Put God First

It is imperative that we put God first in our lives. For love and happiness to be available to us, we must also be in God’s love. So let us keep God first and foremost in our lives during this Lent and beyond.

Daily Reading, Saints

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