Saint Justin is the Patron Saint of philosophers. He was born in 103 in Rome into a Samaritan family. Justin was highly educated. During his education, he placed great emphasis on the study of philosophy. Justin’s purpose in life was to know God, the Creator of all things. For this, he carefully studied the works of famous philosophers. He was educated in schools that taught philosophically opposing views. But that did not help him to show the true God.
Justin, longing to know God, one day met an old man while walking along the beach. He asked Justin about his doubts which he had. After lengthy arguments, Justin confessed to the old man the truth that the wisdom he had acquired could not find God. The old man then told Justin about the Messiah. He also advised Justin to pray to the Messiah for true wisdom. Following his instructions, Justin began to read the Holy Scriptures in prayer. Later he recognized the true God and was soon baptized in 133.
The faith of the thousands who were martyred in the name of Christianity at that time played an important role in leading Justin to repentance. He wanted to tell others the truth he had realized after his conversion. He traveled throughout Greece, Italy, and Egypt, preaching the true God and leading many to repentance.
He wrote many books to dispel misconceptions about Christians at that time. His books and studies have been instrumental in preserving the Bible. Martyrdom, which every Christian of the day inherited, was also sought after by him. The saint and his disciples, who refused to worship other gods, were executed in 167.