Global Prayer Week for Christians in China

A global online forum has appealed to Christians worldwide to come together internationally for a week-long prayer for the Church and the people of China.

Global Prayer for China made the appeal in response to a request from Cardinal Charles Bo, president of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), for a week of prayers across the globe for China starting from May 22.

Pope Francis has also called for prayers for China during this time.

Following the arrest of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen, Cardinal Bo has renewed and strengthened his call.

“I urge Christians of all traditions everywhere to pray for Hong Kong especially, and the Church in China, as well as the Uyghurs, Tibetans and others facing persecution in China, during that week of prayer,” Cardinal Bo wrote while expressing concerns over the arrest of Cardinal Zen.

The group says in addition to the prayers of the Catholics, it calls upon all concerned people to be informed about the plight experienced by many in China under repressive and unjust laws and policies.

“We call upon legislators and members of international organizations to take up the issue of religious persecution in China and work collaboratively to promote human dignity, freedom, and peace in China during this time,” it added.


Daily Reading, Saints

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