The Saints that Catholics pray for safe pregnancy and childbirth are Saint Anne, Saint Gerard Majella, Saint Nicholas, Saint Anthony of Padua, and, of course, the Blessed Virgin Mary; they are the five most famous Saints for children’s protection and healthy pregnancies. Praying for their intercession can avail you of peace of mind. The worries, fears, and risks in your pregnancy can be given to these saints.
Saint Anne
St Anne is the mother of the Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. She is considered the Patroness of pregnant women, grandmothers and housewives. The mothers pray to this saint for safe pregnancy, peaceful childbirth, a healthy son/daughter, and good milk for breastfeeding.
Saint Gerard Majella
St Gerard’s feast day is celebrated on October 16. She is considered the Patron Saint of to be mothers, children and safe childbirth. This is due to a legend: a woman who was about to die while giving birth was saved and gave birth to her first-born baby without difficulty, thanks to a handkerchief given to her by the Saint.
St Nicholas
Saint Nicholas of Myra is a male saint considered the Patron Saint of children. A legend is behind this: one day, he gifted some sacks full of gold to three poor girls, in order to give them the possibility to get married and avoid prostitution. For this reason, our St Nicholas statue is represented by three golden spheres.
St Anthony of Padua
Saint Anthony of Padua is considered another Patron Saint of pregnant women. He is deeply linked to the infertility of women, probably for his connection with the Child Jesus. His Patronate is due to many different miraculous pregnancies he interceded for. Many Catholic sterile couples from all over the world have experienced miraculous pregnancies after asking the Portuguese Saint for grace.
If you are trying to get pregnant, you can pray to Saint Anthony of Padua. Ask him to empower your womb to receive a baby.
The Blessed Mother Mary
The Holy Virgin Mary is considered the supreme Patroness of mothers and safe childbirth. We can rely on Her for everything, but especially for pregnancies. As she is the Mother of Jesus, she definitely knows what being a mother means: she knows what is maternal love, what taking care of someone means, she knows all the joys and sorrows of a mother, as she gave birth to the Son of God and attended to His sacrifice for humanity.