Lent Traditions Around the World-6


In Sweden, Shrove Tuesday also called Pancake Day or Mardi Gras, a special bun that was eaten in Nordic countries and other nearby countries, at a celebration feast before the fasting period of Lent. This bun was called Semla or fastlagsbulle. If translated literally it means The Fat Tuesday.


Italy is still a very Catholic country – it takes its religion very seriously. Italian Catholics do not eat meat and meat products during Lent season. But this custom can vary from region to region like some eat no meat at all during Lent, some don’t eat meat on a Friday. Carnevale in Italy brings a burst of color to the dark, cold months of winter. A huge final celebration to eat, drink and be merry before the restrictions and solemnity of Lent, the festivities in Italy aren’t reserved just for Mardi Gras. After weeks of mischief and parties, expect a more pious and solemn atmosphere in Italy during the weeks of Lent.

(Tomorrow: Greece, Canada, and Bermuda)


Daily Reading, Saints

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