March 02: Saint Chad

Saint Chad was born in Northumbria (England). He was a disciple of Saint Aidan and was probably educated at the monastery at Lindisfarne.

After living as a monk in Ireland, Chad came back to England around 653. And he has ordained a priest. In 644, following the death of his brother Saint Cedd, Chad was elected abbot of Lastingham.

Not long after becoming abbot, confusion over the canonical status of Saint Wilfrid, bishop of Lindisfarne, led to Chad’s appointment to the post. He fulfilled his duties with great zeal, but when Wilfrid returned in 666, it was decided that Chad’s episcopal consecration was invalid and he was told to turn the diocese over to Wilfrid.

Chad willingly gave up the office of bishop and he was subsequently consecrated as bishop of Litchfield. Before his death in 672, Chad founded and reformed many monasteries, and traveled throughout his diocese, preaching and teaching.

The relics of Saint Chad are enshrined in the Catholic cathedral in Birmingham, England.


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