The sight of patience in the cross is a light to our lives. When we are embarrassed with the limitations, sufferings of life, the cross of Christ is there in front of us. The voice of the cross is not of defeat, but the story of victory through patience and suffering. Sometimes, many chapters are there to remind us to fight against the miseries of life.
We have to search for ways of humility and love to overcome the attitude of pride and superiority. The cross teaches us to how much we should have to be humiliated. Pruning is needed to shape ourselves according to the wish of God. We should be overjoyed with the sufferings that are given by God to mold ourselves. The lesions of the cross are essential if we are to look at the situation with pride and the ways of humility that we can be humble and submissive.
Today, Christians are persecuted all over the world. They are dragged to the side walks and starved to death. However, in the meantime, we can see that God is present everywhere. We can learn to find God in the sufferings. Every life has its own sacrifices. May obstacles can be the barriers in front of us.
If we can see Christ in the midst of adversity, we can rejoice on the cross. Lent is a time to evaluate our suffering through the cross. They will condemn us to death, strike us, and destroy the death. But on the third day, we shall rise up. The cross shows us that no matter how much man is tormented mentally and physically. There will be the crown of hope for the resurrection and the glory. Let us lift our hearts before God and extend our hands mercifully to the people.