Silence, both externally and internally, is an essential element of a person’s personality development. And silence is essential for the growth of the spiritual life too. Today mobile phones, televisions, music and other sounds make the atmosphere is totally noisy. The prevalence of such sounds can seriously affect a child’s development.
We begin to learn this silence from the quiet family atmosphere. A person’s composure starts with the way we speak and the way we address others. The style of speaking to children should also be taken into consideration. Screaming and exploding language should be avoided. We should give them a model to listen to at an early age. Through that, we begin to practice more patience.
The Silence that Children Need to Learn
We always live in the midst of chaos. This can significantly affect the behavior of children in our homes. Uncontrolled noise and other disturbances in homes are on the rise. In many homes, the television is always on. Or earphones can be seen in everyone’s ears. There is no place in the house for prayer or silence. It will greatly affect the growing generation.
Children’s attention can quickly turn to other things. So let a calm atmosphere start from home. Parents should teach their children to calm down. Silence is the key element that connects with God. Therefore, teaching children inner silence as they grow up plays an important role in shaping their behavior. It also gives them the patience to respond calmly to situations in the areas in which they are involved.