How to Pray During Exercise

Studies have shown that exercise promotes good health for our body as well as our mind and we have come to accept it through experience. However, exercise is good not only for the body and mind but also for the soul. But it’s just that not many people know about it.

Man is a combination of body, mind and soul. To have a good prayer life you need to have a calm mind and a healthy body. When the body is affected by the disease, it also affects the mind and soul. When we pray, even if it is a spiritual thing, it leads our body and mind to hope without us knowing it.

When we exercise, we can turn it into moments of prayer. How to pray while exercising? Here are some suggestions on how to do this …

1. Integrate it with Our Mood

It is important to combine prayer with whatever state of mind we are in to turn the moments of exercise. If we are in a relaxed state, we can meditate on the Mysteries of the rosary or meditate on Bible verses while doing meditation. Sometimes it just doesn’t work when you’ve been running with friends. So let’s choose the short prayers that are appropriate for the situation. So combine our prayers with the context in which we are or are not.

2. Rhythm

If we walk or run, we may have difficulty speaking and listening. There must be a balance between running and breathing. On such occasions, we can use prayers and devotional songs to help keep our running and breathing rhythmically.

3. Match the Intensity of the Exercise

When we do intense exercise we leave the state of calm and do more hard things. It is not possible to say long prayers in this state. In such cases, one can recite small hymns and pray. Or we may be thinking, ‘Jesus, I love you.’ Thus we can make our workouts moments of prayer.

Daily Reading, Saints

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