Are You a Good Listener?

The conversation is a very important part of your relationship with others. Through conversations, ideas are exchanged, doubts move, and friendships grow. We learn more about new things. Everyone wants others to hear what they have to say. Most people want to talk more than others.

What we hear from others is a sign that we love and accept them. Try listening to others for a while! Unbeknownst to us, we can recognize that the relationship with that person is getting stronger. A major problem today is that no one has time to listen to each other. Let us examine what are the characteristics of an actual listener.

1. When listening to others, do not try to correct them

Those who listen well to others do not need to be told more by it. When we listen to others, only listen to what they have to say. That is the mark of a good listener. Our knowledge does not have to convince them or pass on different ideas.

2. Do not judge others

The listener who listens to others should not judge them by what they say. Do not try to speak to them more. Our only responsibility is to listen.

3. Do not try to advise

When we hear about others, we should not try to counsel them accordingly. When we listen to others, we should not view it as a way to give them advice. Listening is comforting in itself. If you have these three qualities, you are a good listener.

Daily Reading, Saints

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