Daily Gospel: Anointed Ones

Daily Gospel: Anointed Ones 23 January 2022

Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 


“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 1:18).

Candidates, while facing an election, will be facing the election with manifestos; what is to be expected from them if you give the mandate of political administration. Jesus’ proclamation of the mission – vision of Jesus referring to the prophecy of Isaiah about Him, could be understood as the manifesto of Jesus as the Messiah (Luke 4:18).

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has ANOINTED ME to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. (Lk 1:18-19).

Today’s gospel invites all of you to focus on the identity of Jesus revealed in this statement as “the anointed one of Lord”. Three points should be noticed:

1. Biblical Backgrounds of Anointing and Anointed One:   

In the OT three groups of people were anointed.  (1) Kings: They were anointed as the gesture of imparting of power and authority over the people of God (2) Priests: Anointing meant setting apart (consecration) for God’s works (3) Prophets: Symbolized the pouring of Holy Spirit to be spoke persons of God.

2. Jesus the Anointed One of God:

Jesus bears these triple anointing of Priest, King and Prophet (Pari, hari at propeta). It shows the fullness of God’s favor.  Jesus fulfilled these triple missions, as a prophet by preaching the kingdom of God, as a priest by healing and forgiving the sinners, and as a King by being a good shepherd to people by leading them to green pastures of God’ love and mercy.

3. Baptized Christians: The Anointed ones of Jesus:

In Baptism we become participants of Christ’s triple mission as anointed Ones of God. The anointing of the child with the chrism of salvation means imparting the triple mission of Jesus as Pari, hari and propeta.

3.1. Priestly: How do we full-fill priestly mission in our life? It can be in two ways: Firstly, in a spiritual way: As the primary mission of a priest is to offer sacrifices, whenever you live a spirit of sacrifice in your family and daily work you are priests. When couples take-up sacrifices to each other in their life by sacrificing personal interests, parents sacrificing for children, your family becomes an altar of sacrifice and you become priests! Do not forget, parents are the priests of the family. Secondly, in a ritual way: Whenever you participate and cooperate in the Sacramental mission of the Church as lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, altar boys, MPG’s, greeters and collectors etc.

3.2. Prophetic: The primary mission of a prophet is to speak on behalf of God. We can fulfill our prophetic mission in two ways: Firstly, in a Personal way; it is a way of witnessing through deeds to Christ carried out in the workplace, in their community, and in the family while standing for truth, justice etc. Secondly, in an Institutional way by those who are doing preaching ministry in catholic fellowships etc.

3.3. Kingly: The primary mission of a king is to govern or to lead. Two ways to full-fill your kingly mission: Firstly, Domestic way: Responsible parenthood of bringing your children as Children of God, carried out at home as parents. Secondly, Ecclesial: By cooperating with the local bishop and priests in the governance of the Church by participating in PPC, satellite chapel coordinator etc.

When I fulfill my triple mission as anointed ones of Our Lord, we lead a more meaningful Christian Life. Amen.

Daily Reading, Saints

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