11 January 2022 Mark 1:21b-28
Tuesday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time
People observe unique authority in Jesus’ words and deeds because His words have a deep impact on everyone. Demons even obey His commands! The term ‘authority’ derives from ‘author’. God is the author of everything. If so, the source of the authority of Jesus is His connectivity to the author, Father. Jesus maintained this connectivity with the Father mainly through two ways, (1) Prayer: By giving quality time to be with the Father; (2) Doing Father’s Will: He makes sure that it complies with the will of the Father.
Today’s gospel discusses three possible challenges in the words of the demoniac in our connectivity to Heavenly Father, the author of all authority.
(1) FEELING OF INDEPENDENCE: “What do you have to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?” It is a response with a feeling of independence. A feeling in life that I have my own ideas and plans where human beings do not allow the interference of God. Secularism, where people do not really feel the need of God in their life is an example of this. The gift of faith which helps people to depend on the providence of God is the antidote for it.
(2) ATTITUDE OF FEAR: “Have you come to destroy us?” It is a question with an attitude of fear. Many modern psychologists are of the opinion that the opposite of love is not hatred, but it is fear. Fear paralyzes us spiritually. Before modern psychologists made such an assumption St. John the Evangelist spoke of this experience, ‘Perfect love-cast out all fear’ (1 Jn. 4:18). For example, it is the fear of Judas that paralyzed him from striving for salvation through repentance. When disciples were fearful at the midst of the ferocious sea, Jesus reminded them, “do not be afraid, take courage’.
(3) SPIRIT OF PRIDE: “I know who you are: the Holy One of God”. This is deliberately closing hearts towards God and graces. I know who God is, still I refuse to accept Him because of my pride. This is what Jesus said as ‘blasphemy against the Holy Spirit’ (Mk 3:29) or hardening of heart towards graces. If eyes are kept closed we cannot see and if ears are closed cannot hear. Similarly, if the heart is kept closed towards graces we cannot receive forgiveness of sins or healing. Today it happens in the lives of so many people through rationalization and self-righteous – egoistic attitudes in spiritual matters.
We need to be God’s children of authority for two purposes: 1) to inspire others in Divine ways. “….the people were astonished at His teaching (Mk. 1:21). 2) To defeat evil and inclinations. “ ….. Even the unclean spirits obeyed Him (Mk. 3:27). Amen