Bishop Sergio Gualberti, The Archbishop of Santa Cruz (Bolivia), recalled the Epiphany of the Lord that the life and dignity of the human person go above ideology.
During the Mass in the Cathedral, he added that just as the manifestation of God to all peoples causes a “total conversion” in the life of the Magi, that “change of direction” in people today drives ” to put aside the darkness of the past and walk the path of the star, of the sincere and persevering search for God ”.
A first step involves “not substituting power and wealth for God, not being conceited and elevated to masters of one’s own destiny and of others, not being selfish, not falling into the darkness of lies and worldly idols that brutalize and that suffocate in the lack of ideals and the meaning of life ”, explained Bishop Gualberti.
In this sense, “throughout the history of mankind, various idols, people, ideologies, economic, political and other systems have emerged, in alternative or in opposition to God”
“They have even become idols to science and technology, giving them unlimited powers and replenishing in them an unconditional hope to find all the problems of humanity, even death,” he said.
“This situation is the result of a thought that ignores that human intelligence and science are gifts from God and that, as gifts, they have to take as a reference God and the moral law implanted in the heart of every human being and, consequently, putting the life and dignity of the human person, created in the image of God, before any other good and ideology ”, he recalled.
“Science enlightened by faith is a certain path that leads to recognizing and finding the Savior in the poor Child of Bethlehem,” added Bishop Gualberti.
“Science enlightened by faith, as the wise magicians understood and lived it, is a certain path that leads to recognize and find the Savior in the poor Child of Bethlehem, the light that dispels the darkness of pride and self-sufficiency of our mind and opens our eyes to the hope of achieving happiness and the harmonious fulfillment of our personal, community and social life ”.
For this reason, the Archbishop of Santa Cruz encouraged us to ask the Magi for their help to “walk the path of new life, of the renewal of our faith in the true God, renewal of our dedication, dedication and service to his reign of love and life, a mission that gives full meaning to our existence and that fills us with joy ”.