The Starlit in Our Lives

“And the star which looked toward the east was moving before them, and it stood over the place where the child was lying” (Matthew 2: 9). The star that guided the wise men from the east to the meadow.

There are so many such stars in our lives. The meadows are there, constantly reminding us that the grass is there, and that Jesus is there, and that we walk there.

Our forefathers who passed on this chain of faith uninterruptedly for the last two thousand years, the parents who first drew the cross on our foreheads and attached us to the faith, the anointed and the gurus who drew us to the church for telling us about the Holy Eucharist and the sacraments …

We are often the ones who get lost. When you look away from the star, you will be a star if you see this life, and someone can come into the love of Christ and shine a light on the dark ways of life for anyone. You will have the same starlight that guided the wise men of the East.

Daily Reading, Saints

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