Novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague: Day 09

Opening Prayer:

O Holy Infant Jesus of Prague, behold us prostrate at Thy feet imploring Thy blessing and assistance. We firmly believe in Thy goodness, Thy love and Thy mercy. We also know that the more we honor Thee, the more Thou wilt bless us. Remember that thou hast told us to ask, to seek, and to knock at the Door of Thy Infinite Mercy. So it is with the greatest confidence that we kneel before Thee today. Teach us how to ask that we may receive; show us how to seek that we find. Be pleased to listen while we knock, O Divine Infant Jesus, and open Thy loving Heart to our trustful supplication. Amen.

O Mary, Mother of God and our Immaculate Mother pray to Jesus for us.


Faithfulness of Jesus

“Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words will not pass away.” (Luke 21:33)

Jesus is faithful to all of His promises; nor can any created being surpass Him in fidelity. Some of the promises of Jesus are: That we shall be blessed if we are poor in spirit, meek, merciful, peaceful, and pure of heart. If we hunger and thirst after justice, after the things of God, we shall be filled with God’s blessing and His grace. Our Divine Savior also assures us that if we are willing to forgive our enemies, we shall be forgiven. And if we pray for those who seek to do us wrong, our reward will be very great in heaven.

Even for lesser acts done in His Name, Our Blessed Lord promises an eternal reward; for He says: If we give a cup of cold water in His Name, we shall not be without our recompense. Whatever we do to the least of His little ones here on earth, Jesus will regard as being done to Him.

The words of Our Divine Redeemer are not empty sounds; they are veritable facts. Indeed, all of his promises are just as concrete and actual as those realized when He said to the blind man in the Gospel: “Receive thy sight, thy faith hath made thee whole.” And to the leper: “Be thou made clean” and he was cleansed at the same moment. Did Lazarus not die? And was he not in the tomb for four days? Yet at the commanding words of Jesus, he that had been dead for four days emerged alive.

Indeed the words of Jesus Christ are powerful and efficacious because they are the words of the Author of life, and of all created beings. Even the elements of nature were obedient to His Divine voice. When Jesus said: “Peace be still!” both the stormy winds and the angry waves yielded instant submission to His voice. This is the reason we should have implicit faith and unwavering confidence in all of His divine promises.

When Our Blessed Savior tells us to ask and we shall find; to knock and it shall be opened to us; we do believe Him, and we trust Him. We may be sure that if we dispose our souls to receive His graces, and pray with faith unwavering, we shall receive what we ask. That is if it be for His glory and the good of our souls. One thing is positive; That is: If we do not receive the exact petition that we crave, we shall obtain some other grace that is more beneficial to us; for, no prayer is ever lost.

Hence, let us live, let us pray, let us trust Our Divine Savior and have confidence in His unfailing Promises for He is ever faithful. His loving care for us, His Divine Providence, extends to all both to just and to sinners. Never are we so well protected as the time when we yield ourselves unreservedly to His loving care. Therefore, to fear, to wory, to become agitated, clearly exemplify a lack of confidence in the faithful promises of Our Divine Lord.
Jesus is faithful. He will never permit us to be tempted beyond our strength if we only cooperate with His grace. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will not pass away.

In like manner, when Jesus warns us that we must watch and pray for we know not the day nor the hour that we shall be called upon to give an account our stewardship, we must take heed. These are not empty sounds; they are the utterances of the Creator of all existing beings. It is He Who knows all things, brought them into being, and sustains their existence.

Finally, let us always strive to be faithful to Jesus, for He is faithful to us in all things. Hence if we keep His commandments, follow His precepts, and are obedient to the teachings of Holy Mother Church, we shall most certainly receive the reward of His glorious promise: “Be ye faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life.” (Eternal life) Heaven and earth will pass away, but the words of Jesus shall not pass away. They will never pass for Jesus is faithful to all His promises.

Concluding Prayer

O Sweetest Infant Jesus, I adore Thee and I love Thee. I thank Thee for the graces received during this Novena, and I am confident that Thou hast heard my earnest prayer. Increase my faith, my hope, and my love. Teach me how to be faithful to Thee in every circumstance of my life, and keep me from all the occasions of sin. Knowing that Thou art faithful to all Thy promises, I am certain of receiving Thy priceless blessings every time that I honor Thee. Inspire me to ask for only those graces which are in keeping with Thy Divine Will. As I humbly and confidently present my earnest petitions, open the Door of Thy Merciful Heart while I knock with faith and confidence. (Here mention petition)…
Remember Sweet Infant Jesus that Thou hast promised to give whatever we ask in Thy Name.

Now relying upon Thy infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain the pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace and life everlasting. All these I hope for through Thy Divine Merits. O Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen

O Mary, Virgin most faithful, pray for us.
Pater, Ave, Gloria. (Once)

“Through Thy Infant cries when
Thou wast born in the manger;
Through thy tears when Thou
didst die for me on the Cross
Through Thy love as Thou livest
for me in the Tabernacle;
O loving Jesus, have mercy on me
and save me!” Amen

Daily Reading, Saints

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