There are many celebrations and traditions associated with Christmas and as a continuum. One of the most common of these traditions is the “12 days of Christmas.” Let’s see what these 12 days are.
For us, Christmas celebrations are complete on December 25th. But in some places, Christmas celebrations last from December 25th to January. Behind it is the tradition of ’12 days of Christmas’. That is, in the twelve days after Christmas, twelve festivals are celebrated. It begins on 26 December and ends on 6 January, on the Feast of the Epiphany.
The twelve days are celebrated in these manners: The first martyr in the church, the feast day of St. Stephen will be celebrated on 26 December. On 27 December, will celebrate the feast day of St. John the Evangelist. Feast of the infants will be celebrated on 28. The next day, that is 29th of December, will celebrate the feast of St. Thomas Beckett. On December 30th will celebrate Feast of Edge (Edwin).celebrated on December 31st. On 31, the feast of Pope Sylvester I celebrates. The Feast of the Circumcision of Jesus on January 1, the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus on January 2. On January 3, the Feast of Zosimus and Athanasius is celebrated. On 4 January, St. Aquilinious. On 5th January the day of preparation for the feast of Epiphany. The Feast of Epiphany celebrates on 06 January.
In 1780, a carol was formed in England entitled The Twelve Days of Christmas. Some say it originated in France and over time became known in England as the Christmas carol.