14 December 2021 Matthew 21:28-32
Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Advent
For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him (Matthew 21:32).
The “Repenting Son” who first denied father’s call to work in vineyard (repented) represents the sinners (Tax-collectors/prostitutes) of Jewish society who first had a sinful life but repented and changed their lives upon John’s call to conversion. Whereas the “Untrustworthy Son” who first agreed to go and then did not keep their words represent the Jewish religious elites (Pharisees and Scribes) who had a religious appearance and then later did not listen to John’s call for repentance.
The untrustworthy son personifies “concupiscence” – persistent tendency in everyone to oppose the will of God even though we know that God wills what is good for us. This is part of the fallen nature we have inherited from first parents as the result of their first sin.
Repentance/conversion is the antidote for concupiscence. This is the best way to prepare for Christmas. Amen.