07 October 2021 Matthew 18:12-14
Tuesday of the 2nd Week in Ordinary Time
In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish (Mt. 18:14).
Prophet Isaiah tells, “God’s ways are not our ways’ (Is. 55:8). The parable is a proof for that.
1. We often think ‘democratically’ in terms of majority or greater numbers. But God thinks ‘humanocratically’ – in terms of the value of individuals. So much God cares us even a sparrow that falls to the ground. World does not bother when the majority is safe! His or her personal worth is not that important. In the eyes of God each person is unique and so God loves each one with utmost patience.
2. We rejoice in finding out those who are exemplary/outstanding whereas God rejoices in finding out those considered lost, last and least. English poet Francis Thompson calls God the “Hound of Heaven” who pursues the fleeing man who gives himself up until God’s embrace. God follows the fleeing soul by His Divine grace. “Fear wished not to evade as love wished to pursue” (Thompson).
3. We reward excellence/abilities/standards/accomplishments whereas God rewards even the smallest step of conversion.
In these advent days we are preparing to have a deep experience of the mystery of Incarnation in the heart. It reminds us of a shepherd (God) going in search of the lost sheep (sinful humanity) and becoming like a sheep (Jesus-God in humanity) to save them from the clutches of wolves (sin). Mystery of Incarnation is typically an expression of God’s way. Amen.