On the first Sunday of lent we read in the gospels about the temptations of Jesus in the desert. Jesus had to face three different temptations. All these three temptations were related to the inclinations of human beings. The first one was the temptation to produce bread out of the stones in the deserts with the power of God in order that Jesus could satisfy his hunger without earning his bread.
A miracle instead of earning through hard work would seem attractive. Or if someone else would earn the bread for us and we could live lazy would not be fare. I think such a life would not be the dream of most of us. Each one among us wants to earn its bread. That is natural and that is the will of God. If any expected job is not given some may not like to do another work. But each one should work to earn its bread. That is the law. There are people who like to do less work and earn more money or do nothing and earn money. This tendency can be compared to the temptation to produce bread from the stones. This is about those who do are not happy about their job or people who are not happy to do their job. Who do not work do not have the right for relaxation and earning. In the season of lent we can follow the example of Jesus and show interest to be active in doing our work. To be interested to do our profession and be active in doing the work is what Jesus expects from us because that was the way Jesus lived.
The second temptation was to become famous through shortcuts and to enjoy the advantages of being popular. Jesus does not want to use his divine power to become famous and popular among people. Instead Jesus wants to help people in their need. That is the message of the kingdom.
The third temptation was to gain power and to show power. It is the temptation to use wrong methods and to go wrong paths to gain power. Jesus denies absolutely any such tendency and scolds the devil and drives it away.
Power, luxury and influence sind temptations which incline people to follow wrong paths and to do immoral deeds which is inhuman and is against the will of God.
Now during the period of lent let us fight against any such temptations and try to practice the love of the neighbour through fasting, prayer and alms giving.
Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS