Today in Christian History: February 1

February 1

523: Death of Brigit (known as St. Brigid of Kildare), one of the three national saints of Ireland and loved as the “mother saint.” Known as a miracle worker, she is believed to be the founder of the monastery at Kildare.

1516: Erasmus dedicates his New Testament – known as Erasmus’ New Testament – to Pope Leo X. It was a new version of Vulgate, the existing Latin translation of the Bible, with corrections and clarifications. This editing work brought him much fame.

1656: In an act of restraining religious freedom, Authorities in the New Netherlands (New York) prohibit all conventions and meetings held in the province, “whether public or private,” and permit “only the Reformed Divine service, as this is observed and enforced according to the Synod of Dortrecht,” of the Reformed Church.

1791: John Wesley, English founder of Methodism, states in a letter: “Probably I should not be able to do so much[,] did not many of you assist me by your prayers.”

1803: Henry Martyn, Anglican missionary to Persia, wrote in his journal: “Oh, that I may learn my utter helplessness without Thee, and so by deep humiliation be qualified for greater usefulness.”

1822: Mother Javouhey, the founder of Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny (SJC), sails from France to Senegal as a missionary. Through her strong character, deep love for the people, and her powerful faith, she was able to accomplish much good in Africa and in South America.

1901: Pioneer American missionaries Charles (37) and Lettie (31) Cowman sail to Japan and establish the Oriental Missionary Society.

1903: Death in Cambridge of George Gabriel Stokes, a brilliant and innovative mathematician. He was also known for his faith and delivered the Gifford Lectures in 1891, elaborating the topic Natural Theology.

1918: Patriarch Tikhon of the Russian Orthodox Church excommunicates the atheistic rulers of Russia whom he called “the enemies of Christ.” He was imprisoned for his defense of the church he belonged to and led.

1933: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran clergyman, gives a radio speech warning about the consequences of blindly trusting “any man” (he meant, Hitler). His address was abruptly stopped due to a warning.

1949: Israel formally annexes West Jerusalem.

Edited by: T. Chempilayil MCBS


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