The Pope Encourages Catholic Institutional Communicators to Collaborate to Foster Hope

Pope Francis has spoken to the Presidents of Episcopal Commissions for Communications and the Directors of National Communications Offices, urging them to collaborate in order to establish a new communication model that fosters hope and mutual understanding rather than division. He has called upon leaders in Catholic social communication to unite their efforts, enabling the Church to create “a different model of communication” that promotes hope and unity within the Church and the wider world. “It is our responsibility to shape the future,” the Pope stated during his address to Catholic institutional communicators convened in the Vatican for the Jubilee of the World of Communication.

The Pope began by encouraging people to reflect on whether their actions truly inspire hope and combat division in communities. He emphasized that hope should be communicated effectively, and that sharing about the Church is more than just following marketing rules; it is about demonstrating that the kingdom of God is near and spreading the belief that goodness exists. He criticized mainstream media’s focus on negativity and stated that while evil is real, it should motivate questions and solutions.

He called for a “symphonic” collaboration that includes everyone, using various forms of expression like art and music to communicate more effectively. The Pope urged Catholic communicators to work together to create a different communication model based on the Gospel that fosters understanding rather than misunderstanding. He highlighted the importance of the words “together” and “network” in Christian communication, describing it as an act of love rather than just slogans or press releases.

Pope Francis stressed the need to use skills and resources to form networks that provide accurate information and counter misinformation. He also warned against overvaluing technology and encouraged focusing on human wisdom instead. He reminded the audience that their strength in communication comes from a shared trust in God rather than self-promotion. He concluded by emphasizing the importance of making the Church a welcoming space that engages with the wider world, reminding Christians not to keep the Lord to themselves but to let Him shine outwardly.

Daily Reading, Saints

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