Archbishop Updates Pope on “disaster of war” in Ukraine

His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, met with Pope Francis on 10 October to discuss the worsening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The war with Russia continues to intensify, with multiple cities under attack, and the approaching winter poses significant challenges. Archbishop Shevchuk shared with the Pope the dire situation of the Ukrainian people and the Church’s efforts to provide aid and spiritual support. The Pope expressed gratitude for the Church’s heroic service and assured his prayers and blessings.

The Archbishop also briefed the Pope on the recent Synod of Greek Catholic Bishops, focusing on evangelization and bringing hope to those affected by the war. Pope Francis has been a vocal supporter of Ukraine, and Archbishop Shevchuk thanked him for his interventions and remembrance of “martyred” Ukraine. With Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky scheduled to meet the Pope on 11 October, Archbishop Shevchuk emphasized the importance of sharing Ukraine’s pain and gaining support from the Pope and the Holy See.

The Archbishop urged solidarity and prayers, highlighting the looming food crisis that will affect nearly 6 million Ukrainians this winter. He stressed the need for immediate help, citing the daily loss of lives, approximately 200 Ukrainians, due to delayed assistance. Archbishop Shevchuk’s plea echoes his earlier concerns expressed in an interview with EWTN News, where he emphasized the Catholic Church’s crucial role in humanitarian efforts and the need for prompt action to protect vulnerable Ukrainians.

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