21st Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Jn. 6: 60-69: Words of Eternal Life

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

The theme of today’s gospel is the division and crisis among the disciples of Jesus and among the Christians of the first and second century Christians. This division, conflict and crisis were present during the life time of Jesus and after the death and resurrection of Jesus. If we think of the Christians at the time of the beginning of Christianity and thereafter we can find out that the history of Christianity includes a a history of crisis and division among the Christians. Slowly we are overcoming such a history and such a tradition. The crisis mentioned in today’s gospel is called Galilean crisis because due to persecution many Christians had left Christianity and at the same time many new Christians were baptised and became members. St Peter was presented to be the model for the disciples who said to Jesus: to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We feel this crisis today much more intensive and strong in comparison to the earlier years when we observe the problems of the church today in different parts of the world.

Problems and crisis in the Church in Europe is different from the problems of the church in Asia Africa and America. To find out the reason for the problems in the church alone may not help to revive the church. Evangelisation and new evangelisation are needed today depending on the area of missionary activity.

It is written exactly in the text of today’s Gospel that some of Jesus’ disciples “murmured” and said; “What he says is unbearable, who can listen to it?” If we read the previous sections, we know what Jesus said and what was spoken of Jesus disturbed his listeners. After multiplying the bread and feeding thousands of people, Jesus said, “I am the bread of life,” whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life. This speech and statement of Jesus is seen as a foreshadowing of the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Eucharistic theology and the controversy over the Lord’s Supper have certainly repeatedly distanced some Christians from the church, as was once intensively discussed in Protestantism. Just like some of these disciples, many people today do not understand what the Eucharist really means or what it means when Jesus says: I am the bread of life. Likewise, there are many other words of Jesus such as, I am the light, I am the good shepherd, I am the vine, I am the truth. I am the life, I am the way or I am the door.
Who has experienced Jesus personally and really in a very intensive manner and is in union with Him like St Peter or many of the disciples cannot go away from Jesus.

To whom shall we go, You have words of eternal life, said Peter. Anyone who experiences Jesus and his words as our life, way and truth and feels his presence and companionship in their own life cannot walk away from him. The church proclaims this message of Jesus and the proclamation is the encouragement to keep intimate relationship Jesus. I wish us the grace and trust in Jesus to find “the words of eternal life”.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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