Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg, a renowned paediatrician and professor, offers valuable insights into fostering resilience in children through the “7 C’s of Resilience.” By cultivating these essential qualities, parents and caregivers can empower children to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and determination.
1. Competence: Encourage Independence
Foster a sense of competence by allowing children to make decisions and take actions independently. Avoid overprotection and let them learn from their mistakes.
2. Confidence: Believe in Them
Instill confidence by encouraging children to try new things and praising their efforts, even in failure. This helps them develop a growth mindset and creative problem-solving skills.
3. Connection: Build Strong Relationships
Nurture connections through quality time, emotional expression, and a supportive network. This foundation of security enables children to overcome obstacles and act independently.
4. Character: Teach Integrity and Responsibility
Foster good character by promoting caring behaviours, demonstrating the impact of actions, and encouraging wise choices.
5. Contribution: Encourage Purpose and Meaning
Teach children the value of contributing to the world around them, fostering a sense of purpose and empathy for others.
6. Coping: Model Healthy Stress Management
Equip children with diverse coping strategies and model calm, positive stress management to prepare them for life’s challenges.
7. Control: Empower Decision-Making
Help children understand the impact of their choices and actions, teaching them to make informed decisions and take control of their lives.
By embracing the 7 C’s of Resilience, parents and caregivers can raise confident, capable, and compassionate children equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world.