Child of God, you who have known so soon
the hardness and the tiredness,
the pain and brief joys of life;
You who have been poor and orphaned,
and that you have loved your neighbor tirelessly,
making you a humble and diligent servant;
You who have been good without being proud
and that you have loved Love
above all else;
you who have shed your blood
so as not to betray the Lord,
and that you have forgiven your murderer,
wishing for him, paradise,
and pray for us to the Father,
so that we say “YES”
to God’s plan for us.
You who are a friend of God
and you see him face to face,
Get us from Him
the special favor we ask of you:
(make the request)
We appreciate,
Saint Maria Goretti,
Girl of God, love for God and brothers
that you have already sown in our hearts.
Pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias.