Pope Francis encouraged us to be free like Jesus. The Holy Father reminded us that the freeness is to live in the freedom of the children of God, and not be slaves to power, pleasure, money or fame; in his words before praying the Marian prayer of the Angelus this Sunday, 9 June.
In the context of a sunny midday, in contrast to the cold and rain of last Sunday, and before thousands of faithful present in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, the Holy Father offered his reflection on today’s Gospel (Mk 3, 20-35).
The evangelical text relates that Jesus faces two reactions: “that of his relatives, who were worried and feared that he had gone crazy; and that of the religious authorities, who accused him of acting motivated by an evil spirit.”
In reality, Pope Francis specified, “Jesus preached and healed the sick with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit made him divinely free, that is, capable of loving and serving without measure and conditions.”
“That is why he left the safety of his town, Nazareth, to embrace a poor life full of uncertainties (cf. Mt 6:25-34), freely healing the sick and anyone who came to ask for help, never asking anything from him change (cf. Mt 10:8)”, explained the Pontiff.