Stories of Rescued Afghan Christians are not to be Told  

The rescue stories from Afghanistan are filled with miracles, life threatening and heroic choices. But the Christians are trying to be safe in Afghanistan and one group of vulnerable women got out. The Christians from the country keep quiet and the stories from the rescued ones are not told by anyone and any other publications. In order to save those lives, detail and even generic information must be kept away from the public, because that information can end up in the hands of the Taliban.

“Everybody loves a heart – stopping adventure story. But too often those who are assisting desperate Afghans flee Taliban terrorism have carelessley revealed specifics about brorder crossings, safe houses and other dangerous details. Even worse, ambitious journalists have written exposes about high risk, clandestine journeys. Not only does such writing put specific people in grave danger, but it also limits the options of future evacuees,” said Leela Gilbert, fellow for international religious freedom at the Family Research Council. And  she added that the matters of life and death need to be carefully considered. One of the representatives of Christian community from Afghanistan is requested to the world to remember the country and its citizens in the prayers.

Daily Reading, Saints

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