4th Sunday of Easter, Year B- Jn 10: 11-18: The Good Shepherd

Today’s Sunday has the name the good shepherd Sunday. Traditionally this Sunday is celebrated as the Sunday of priestly and religious vocations. Jesus Christ is our good shepherd. He lives for us. He knows us. In today’s Gospel Jesus calls himself as the good shepherd. This title is applicable to every Christian in a broad meaning who takes part in the mission and ministry of Christ. All the baptised Christians take part in the mission and ministry of Christ. All the ordained Christians like priests and bishops take part in the mission and ministry of Jesus in a special way.

The statement of Jesus: “I am the good shepherd” belong to the “ I am” statements of Jesus. The other I am statements are: “I am the light of the world” (Jn 8,12-20 und 9,1-7); “ I am the door” (Jn 10,1-10) ; I am resurrection and life”(Jn 11,17-27); “I am the way truth and life” (Jn 14,1-14).

In order to understand the duties of a shepherd we should know who were the shepherds in the Old Testament. Among the Israelites there were many shepherds who took care of their sheep. The difference between the payed servants and the shepherds depends on the fact that the sheep belongs to the shepherds and the shepherds were ready to offer their life to save the sheep. The payed servants would escape leaving the sheep alone if enemy would come or their life would be in danger. The sheep knows the shepherd and the shepherd knows its sheep and the sheep follow the voice of the shepherd.

In the Old Testament the designation shepherd and good shepherd were used for the worldly leaders also. A king and its representative were considered as shepherds. In the Old Testament God was called shepherd. For the Israelites God was the good shepherd. Yahweh was the good shepherd of the Israelites. Besides, all the leaders of the Israelites were called shepherds. Moses, David and Solomon were called good shepherds. As Jesus called himself as good shepherd he puts himself equal to God, Yahweh, worldly kings, Moses, David or Solomon.

His words: “I know my sheep and my sheep know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep” show the intimate relationship and the trust between God and human and between Jesus and his disciples. When this concept of shepherd is used to designate the Pope, bishops and the priests and for the baptised christians the trust between God and human is compared to the relationship between shepherd and sheep. When Jesus says that he has other sheep that are not of this sheep pen he shows his openness to all human and the necessity of such a openness for every Christian community.

If we look at who all were called shepherds in the Old Testament and how Jesus sees his role as a shepherd, shepherds today have a very familiar and crucial role in which they are to live for the sheep and lead the sheep and the sheep the hear their voice. What a shepherd can and should do and what the sheep can turn to the shepherd for, we find no exact rule from the tradition of the Old Testament and from the concept of shepherds. There is no exact name or limitation of the task. Mutual trust, a good relationship, belonging, following the sheep and dedication are an important requirement. To be a good shepherd,  the shepherd must live for his sheep and to be a good sheep, the sheep should belong to the shepherd and listen to his voice.

The church is a community with a shepherd who leads us as the good shepherd. Jesus is the good shepherd. We all belong to him and listen to his voice. Many who have been commissioned by God and the community speak and act for him and in his name. Many try to use their own reason to interpret the shepherding task and then demand that the shepherds do what the sheep find right. Because the reason of different people does not always reach the same conclusion, opinions and wishes are different, but they can never all be fulfilled. The goal of our efforts should be to become a shepherd and a flock at all levels of the church. Where there is a lack, the Holy Spirit should help us with his grace and blessing, which is what we ask for today.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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