In the first part of today’s Gospel we hear about report of the experience with the risen Lord from those disciples who returned from Emmaus. In the second part the evangelist reports about the appearance of Jesus to the disciples while the disciples from Emmaus continued explaining their experience. Two different appearances of Jesus after his resurrection in two different places for two different groups is the theme today. It is important that the risen Lord appeared to those who were near to him and as the scripture has reported it.
In the reports of the evangelist Luke we find his efforts to prove that the appearance of the risen Lord was real. To prove it the evangelist referred to the words of Jesus who said: see my hand and my wounds; Just touch me and understand: No spirit has flesh and bones, as you see with me; or Do you have anything to eat here?
They gave him a piece of fried fish;
He took it and ate it before their eyes.
Whether the risen Lord really ate before the disciples or the risen body is same as the living body of Jesus are other questions which was not important for the evangelist. His purpose was to prove the resurrection for which he used a language which his hearers could understand. On the one hand the disciples were afraid. On the other hand the resurrection of Jesus gave them courage and hope.
Actually the disciples could not believe that Jesus was alive. The tragedy of Jesus could be their tragedy. So they remained behind the closed doors. Jesus gave them his nearness, new perspectives, hope and happiness. They are relieved from fear and anxiety. They really believed that Jesus was risen. They were convinced that the appearance of Jesus was real.
It seems that the disciples were convinced that Jesus was not a spirit as they have believed of the appearances of spirits. In spite of that the appearance of the risen Lord did not mean a return to material life; nor the life of the risen Lord is something material.
The life, suffering, death and the resurrection of Jesus belong together as a mystery to be experienced. The presence of the risen Lord is not a material presence. The presence of the risen Lord is strength that the risen Lord could give. He wishes his disciples peace to be confident and courageous. He sends to the disciples the Holy Spirit to get inspired and guided. The mission and the ministry of the disciples are to proclaim the good news to all the peoples of the earth starting from Jerusalem. That is the task we have received from Jesus handed over through the generations. To be witness to his message, his life, death and resurrection is what the Lord has demanded of us. To be witness is the best proclamation.
Let us continue to be witness to Him. Let us proclaim His love and commitment unceasingly. Let the Holy Spirit guide us and inspire us.
Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS