What is Spiritual Friendship?

Spirituality is a realm in which we deeply connect not only with the divine but also the human. Genuine spirituality creates healthy relationships and a supportive social environment that contributes to health and well-being. Spirituality can be a source of mutual support among friends; it can help us maintain our serenity.

In spiritual friendship people come closer to each other by taking part in a prayer session, a Bible study group, and in some spiritual events. You should be able to keep up your Christian attitude in your sharing. We are Godly persons so we need to express things in a Godly manner.

Always ask God to intervene in your friendship. Once you’ve done those things, don’t think you really can change another person. As the Serenity Prayer reminds us, “accept what you cannot change.” You cannot change another person; you can only change yourself and the ways you react.

If you think your friend is heading down along the wrong path, you need to speak up. But sometimes you may not intrude or advise him/her in that way. But being a true friend, you need to be honest with your friend. Even though it is very difficult for you, try to be your best helping to turn to the right path.

A crucial part of being a good friend is to be a good listener. Allow your friend to speak without interruption. You might think about what relevant follow-up questions you want to ask while he or she is talking, but you should be listening to most of what is being told.

Such friendships will stay together for long.




Daily Reading, Saints

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