We know that Saint Joseph has been a good husband. As an inspiration to men who are husbands, they can always keep Saint Joseph as their patron. Catholic news.in shares 8 tips for families to follow during March, when we commemorates the saint.
- Patience Personified
Although it is easy to live with a virtuous wife like Mary, the paths she was to take were not that easy. Joseph needed the most in her life. It must have required incredible patience from his part to follow God’s plan and support his wife all through their trials and tribulations. In order to overcome them all, Joseph, the righteous one, would need the great virtue of patience, and we can assume that it was there from the way the family lived.
- Excellent Worker
Joseph, the carpenter, was the best at his job. All the husbands can seek the patronage of the saint so that they can be the best in their profession.
- A Man of Discernment
He was the epitome of discretion. Even when Mary conceived Jesus out of the natural, Joseph rather any quick action, waited for heavenly guidance which helped him take an appropriate decision. He showed incredible respect for Mary and Mary’s divine calling.
- The Protector
As the head of the family, Saint Joseph assured everything that Mary needed. As a person endowed with sense of responsibility and the virtue of selflessness, Joseph worked hard to ensure the safety and comfort of the life his wife and son.
- A Model of Humility and Obedience
Even when faced with challenges and uncertainties, St. Joseph humbly accepted God’s will and obediently followed His direction. Joseph has been so humble that he was always supportive of Mary’s unique calling, he never sought after any recognition or glory for himself.
- Fellow Traveler
Mary and Jesus were in the safe hands of a man, named Joseph, on their journey to Bethlehem for the census and on their journey to Egypt to protect the baby from Herod. Joseph can be our great companion with enough skills to take us to our destination without the help of any GPS.
- Teacher and Role Model
St. Joseph has been s loving husband to Mary and a role model for Jesus; he protected the family in faith and virtue. His unwavering devotion to God and commitment to justice helped him to be a good husband to Mary.
- Patron of Loyalty
Saint Joseph faithfully protected and cared for Mary. He was conscious of Mary’s holiness and divine role as the Mother of God. His steadfast commitment was reflected in the respect and love Joseph had for Mary.