Preparing the Heart to Welcome Jesus: The Pope’s Message on the First Sunday of Advent

Pope Francis has invited this December 3, First Sunday of Advent, that during the weeks leading up to Christmas, we “carefully prepare the house of the heart, so that it is orderly and welcoming” to receive Jesus.

The Holy See confirmed yesterday that the Pope’s health conditions are improving and as a precaution he prayed the Angelus this Sunday from Casa Santa Marta. The Holy Father ‘s Day Gospel commentary was read by Mons. Paolo Braida, from the Secretariat of State.

From the beginning of his reflection , he emphasized the theme of vigilance, a virtue that, according to the Pope, “should not be understood as a fear of imminent punishment, but as an attitude full of longing and waiting.” The Gospel of the day (cf. Mc 13:33-37) presents us three times the exhortation of Jesus: “Be vigilant.”

The Holy Father used an example to illustrate vigilance, speaking of a master who will return and his servants who await him with affection and cooperation. The vigilance of the servants, according to Francis, “is not based on fear, but on longing, on the expectation of going to meet the master who comes.” This preparation involves creating a “welcoming and orderly home” for the loved one’s return.

The Pope stressed the importance of preparing to welcome Jesus not only at Christmas, but at all times, whether “at the end of time, when he returns in glory; whether every day, when he comes to meet us in the Eucharist, in his Word, in our brothers and sisters, especially those most in need.”

In a special call for Advent, Pope Francis urged careful preparation of the “house of the heart,” keeping the heart prepared for the arrival of the Lord.

He compared the attitude of vigilance to that of a sentinel who remains awake, waiting for the light to arrive. “The Lord is our light and it is good to prepare the heart to welcome him with prayer and to welcome him with charity, the two preparations that, so to speak, make it feel comfortable,” he added.

The Pope also shared the story of Saint Martin of Tours, who, after giving half of his cloak to a poor man, dreamed of Jesus wearing that part of the cloak. He proposed this act as a beautiful program for Advent: “find Jesus who comes in every brother and sister who needs us, and share with them what we can: listening, time, concrete help.”

Finally, the Holy Father invited the faithful to ask themselves how they can prepare a heart welcoming to the Lord.

“We can do this by approaching his Forgiveness, his Word, his Table, finding space for prayer, welcoming him to those in need. Let us cultivate waiting for Him without being distracted by so many useless things and without complaining all the time, but rather keeping our hearts vigilant, that is, eager for Him, awake and prepared, impatient to find Him,” he concluded.

Daily Reading, Saints

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