Pope Francis invites you to pray in the month of July so that the Eucharist becomes the center of the life of every Catholic.
During this July 2023, the Holy Father encouraged the faithful to pray to achieve a Eucharistic life, which ” profoundly transforms human relationships and opens the encounter with God and with the brothers .”
Within the framework of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, celebrated on June 11, Pope Francis stated that the Eucharist “is par excellence the sacrament of love.”
He also stressed that the Eucharist “calls us to the primacy of God and to love our brothers” and that “it is Christ who offers himself for us and asks us to do the same so that our lives become bread that feeds our brothers.”
Furthermore, at the 27th Eucharistic Congress held in the Italian city of Matera in September 2022, the Pontiff asked to return to Jesus and the Eucharist.
“Let’s go back to the taste of bread because while we are hungry for love and hope, or we are broken by the fatigues and sufferings of life, Jesus becomes food that feeds us and heals us,” Pope Francis said in his homily on Sunday. September 25th.
During the Angelus prayer in August 2015, the Holy Father affirmed that ” heaven begins in the Eucharist .”
He explained that “the Eucharist is not a private prayer or a beautiful spiritual experience, it is not a simple commemoration of what Jesus did at the Last Supper.”
“The Eucharist is ‘memorial’, that is, a gesture that updates and makes present the event of the death and resurrection of Jesus: the bread is really his Body offered for us, the wine is really his Blood shed for us”, he stressed.