Cáritas Chile Campaign on Climate Emergency

Cáritas Chile is carrying out the campaign “For a solidary winter, together in this climate emergency”. The campaign is to help those affected by the floods in the central-southern areas of the country.

The region suffers at this time the consequences of a frontal system, a phenomenon caused by the interaction between two winds or air masses with different characteristics of temperature or humidity.

This has affected the area with abundant rains, causing the overflow of the Maule River, with at least two deaths and almost 10,000 evacuees.

Hundreds of families and communities were affected by the worst rains in the last 30 years. The national campaign promoted by Cáritas seeks to raise funds to respond to the needs caused by the climate emergency.

Through its Environment, Risk Management and Emergency Program (MAGRE), and in coordination with the diocesan teams in the area, Cáritas works from the outset to assess the damage and needs of the communities.

The emergency does not cease, and the Chilean Meteorological Directorate issued an alert regarding the possibility of waterspouts, electrical storms, winds and hail, and even probable tornadoes. The forecast is for “intense severity” phenomena with material risks in the lives of the inhabitants.

For this reason, Cáritas encourages contributions of money and also clothing, blankets, food, water, and heating. It also encourages collaboration in the processes of accompaniment and recovery of homes.

The Bishop of Chillán, one of the affected areas in the Ñuble region, Mons. Sergio Pérez de Arce, addressed the inhabitants on behalf of the Church. To them he sent his closeness and prayer.

“We hope that the rains can decrease and families recover their normality,” he said.

In turn, he sent “gratitude and support” to those who are working to face the situation,” including the Armed Forces and Police, Firefighters, authorities, municipal officials and various organizations of society and the State.

Daily Reading, Saints

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