12th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 10: 26-38: ‘Do not Be Afraid’

Today’s Gospel is from the advices given by Jesus after electing the Apostles. Jesus says: “Do not be afraid”. This advice of Jesus is always relevant because many people are afraid. Different experiences lead people to fear. Fear of sickness, fear to face the future, fear of financial insecurity, fear of loosing social status, fear of terror, fear of death, etc. are some of them. Fear destroy the joy of life and reduces the self confidence. Each and every one wishes a life without anxiety and fear. But only a very few enjoy such a life. The keyword of today’s gospel is: “do not be afraid”.

Three times we read in today’s gospel: “do not be afraid”. First of all Jesus says not be afraid to preach the good news. Secondly Jesus says not be afraid to face martyrdom. Third Jesus says that we do not need to fear any human being who can not take away our relationship with God. That means we do not need to fear any human being, but God.

Fear of God do not mean to be afraid of God, but to love God and be confident of His protection. The fearlessness against the human is based on the conviction that truth will win over untruth. No one can hide the truth for a long time. The fearlessness will help us to live without any fear of any human being and human experiences. God takes care of even the sparrows. Humans are much more worthy before God. God knows everything. Through anxiety we can not do anything. Jesus advices not be afraid of any human, but fear only God.

Jesus demands from his disciples readiness to preach the good news and for martyrdom for the truth. This is out of confidence, love and relationship with God. In other words to live for the truth about which one is convinced is the motto and the meaning of Christian life.

Once Pilate asked Jesus: What is truth? Once the disciples asked Jesus as they heard about the demands of Jesus to attain salvation. Pilate did not want to hear any answer from Jesus. After raising the question he turned to the people and continued to talk with them. The ignorance from the part of Pilate and the uncertainty from the part of the disciples of Jesus the demands of Jesus is discussed.

When Jesus invites us to be fearless we should consider ignorance and the lack of confidence which we confront today. To be Christian means to be confident of the love and care of God, to be ready to preach and live the Gospels and to be ready to commit oneself for the Gospel values. Do not be afraid. Believe in God and follow Jesus.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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