Establishing law and order in your home without losing your cool as a parent is a herculean task. The word punishment isn’t a necessary ingredient of discipline. It’s all about helping children to behave appropriately and understand the basics of good behaviour… In fact, a lot of it is built on talking and listening, and works best when parents have a warm, loving relationship with their children.
- Set Boundaries
The toddler years are the appropriate time to start introducing some boundaries and discipline. That is the time when young ones follow their routines and other behavioral manners.
- Stick to the Established Family Rules
Establishing rules for the family is very easy but very difficult to follow it. Children will test their boundaries, hence, be ready to commit to these rules as a family and try to be consistent. It’s important for families to introduce their own rules. The parents should be consistent in their establishments.
- Explain the Negative Consequences
It’s important for children to see that if they do something that crosses the line, there will be consequences for it. Some effective negative consequences parents can try are the classic yet effective ‘Time Out’ or reducing ‘Screen Time’. You should have the courage to explain the pros and cons of each of the after-effects.
- Use Positive Reinforcement
Just as important is establishing negative consequences, so is the use of positive reinforcement. Praise children when they behave well. It is no matter whom so ever is in front of you. An appreciation can force them to be good always.
- Explain how Bad Behaviour makes you Feel Bad
Effective communication is key to a calm disciplinary process. Children always take their behavioral patterns from parents; so modelling the sort of behaviour where you don’t yell at is really powerful.
Try explaining your feelings to your children even if it is good or bad. If you give appreciation for their good behaviour, do not hesitate to correct them in the same way but do not do it in front of others. Corrections should be made privately and in a pleasant way. It is not about establishing punishments, but about explaining the consequences and aftereffects of their behaviour.
- Limit your Time-Outs
Be clear on the length of time out your child needs. Try to set times according to something your child can understand, depending on their age. Say ‘Go into your room until dinner time’ or ‘Stay in your room until Mum or Dad gets home’; so they understand when the punishment is going to end.
- Be Calm, but Firm in Voice
Using an angry voice can scare your child away. Getting angry doesn’t always produce the outcome you’re expecting. You can say a powerful ‘no’ which both young babies and toddlers will understand.
- Smacking is not Apt
Most parents think that is the best parenting strategy. You can give punishments, but not always. Rude smacking can cause bad behaviour and unwanted fear in your kids. So, let your punishments be a strategy for a process of making them aware.