‘Hosanna’, it was the shout of a crowd. It was the noise of a procession that took place two thousand years ago. There was shouting and joy of victory in Jerusalem. The crowd responded in two ways towards the arrival of Jesus; Some did in a perspective of activity – spreading their clothes and waving branches of olive and receiving Jesus with reverence and respect. The second group sang to the accompaniment of Hosanna; ‘Hosanna to the son of David’. The reception of the second group was deep and meaningful. This time were waiting for David’s son; so their cry was a cry of liberation.
Hosanna is a plight. The people of Israel, who were passing through tribulations, were praying for comfort and salvation. Hosanna was the cry raised by the suffering people in the presence of the saviour king or God. The Hebrew word Hosanna means ‘save’. That too, ‘save now’. In this sense, the Hosanna is also a thirsty call.
Those who cried out thought that ‘Hosanna’ was a sign of political revolution. But for Christ riding on a donkey, it was the harbinger of a spiritual revolution and a future change of heart. The multitude, therefore, saw in Christ the rise of a new king. Christ, on the other hand, saw inner liberation, not external political liberation. In that case, Christ himself became the first model for that. According to the Eastern tradition, the king who comes on a donkey is a king who announces peace. It is the king on horseback who declares war, who comes to cut down, fight, and conquer. So this king is not a war hero but a messenger of peace. Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem is a journey heralding peace, prosperity and security.
The donkey is a symbol of humility and burden-bearing. Also, according to Western tradition, the donkey is a symbol of contempt and humiliation. It is also a symbol of the weight of the cross that Christ will take and the reproach and humiliation that he will receive on Calvary. The mentality of Christ who chooses to travel on a donkey even as he takes alms.
There are three types of people we meet on Oshana Street. His disciples, the pilgrims and women shouting, the residents of Jerusalem, and the scribes asking “Who are these” (Matthew 21:11). There were those who accepted him and those who rejected him. But the people needed to know that Van was the saviour. So he said; “If they do not take the altar, this stone (Luke 19: 40)
There is a poem called ‘The Patriot’ by the universal poet Robert Browning. It contains a briefing given to a soldier on his way back from a battle. The whole country was in a festive mood. A warm reception was held on the streets. The crowd is throwing flowers and singing saga of victory and chanting of reign to the patriot. Thinking about that day, the hero is saying; After years of “Good Folk, mere noise repels- But give me your sun from yonder skies!” He whispered as he strode down the way of victory, without fanfare or retinue, alone, burdened with arms stretched out to the gallows; Thus I entered and thus I went. If you close your eyes and think, you will understand who is the hero of this poem. Who else but Christ? It is the beginning and end of Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. The beginning is royal and colourful. The ending is sad and the condemnation is heavy.
Hosanna is the kindling of a wick that is about to go out. The noises indicate that he is the king. But he is humble. He falls to bear our burdens and lift us up. His kingdom is not of the mortal world. Rather, he is the emperor of the immortal world. Let us also cry out, ‘Hosana’ – ‘Save us’.