First Sunday of the Lent, Year A – Mt 4:1-11: The Temptations

Fr. Joseph Pandiappalli MCBS

On the first Sunday of lent the gospel reading in the Sunday liturgy is about the temptations of Jesus in the desert. As Jesus spent 40 days of fasting and prayer in the desert as preparation for his public ministry devil came to tempt him. Those three temptations of Jesus express three tendencies of the human which Jesus could overcome.

The first temptation was to make bread out of stones. Surely Jesus was hungry after 40 days of fasting and prayer. Devil challenged Jesus to do a miracle. Devil argued that Jesus could prove His divine sonship through this miracle. But the tragic question is whether Jesus had to prove his divine sonship before a devil. The replay of Jesus affirms two basic principles. First, one should earn his bread through his work, not through a miracle nor a donation nor through gaining a lottery. Second the importance of the word of God in our dailey life. Whatever position we have, whatever be our possession and earning, the word of God is our spiritual food. With out our spiritual food, we will not be able to survive.

The second temptation from the devil was to throw himself from the highest point of the temple. The devil reminded Jesus that God the Father would send His angels to bear him up in their arms. Jesus did not need the advice and reminder of devil to know that God the Father would protect him in all the cases. Similarly when the devil advised Jesus to do a miracle by jumping from the highest point of the temple and to become popular. Such a cheap popularity by making use of his divine sonship and the capabilities that Jesus had through his office were not to be used to become popular. By telling the devil not to tempt the Lord and God Jesus claimed his position and demanded the devil not to interfere in the matters beyond the range of a devil.

The third temptation was more dangerous. The devil led Jesus to a mountain and showed the prosperity of the world and claimed that everything belonged to the devil. It was a lie and devil proved himself to be a liar by saying lei before the owner of the creation and claiming the ownership for himself. The devil promised to give Jesus the whole property although it is impossible for the devil. Devil promises impossible things and never keeps the promise. The demand of the devil was to worship him. That was impossible and absurd. How can God worship devil? Jesus said that God alone should be worshiped and be served and dismissed the devil from the area. It was a temptation to gain power and wealth through wrong and unjust meanies which Jesus can never support and never expect from a Christian.

Power, luxury, Influence etc. are temptations of the world. Devil tried to tempt Jesus. By overcoming these temptations Jesus tells us that every human being will be tempted disregard of his status. As Jesus did we are called to be the children of God by overcoming all our temptations.

The lent season is for us to reflect on our merits and demerits, weakness and capabilities. The process of self awareness and self consciousness would help us to become closer to God and enjoy the status of the children of God. Let us prepare ourselves during the lent season through fasting, prayer and giving alms and become powerful in mind, body and intellect in oder to be loving and merciful human beings.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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