How to Explain Lent to Kids 

“Mamma, what is Lent? Why do we observe Lent?” My six-year-old kid Noel asked while I was listening to a Lenten reflection. I had a confusion hearing the sudden question from him. I started thinking to simplify our version of Lent. Here, sharing the ways to explain Lent in a simple way.

  1. Discuss Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

You can start with the life of Jesus in a storyline mode. If you want your child to accept the Christian faith and its major traditions, it’s important to talk about Jesus regularly – and not just during holidays. You can read the Bible about Jesus’ life in the Bible, and search for kid-friendly Lenten or Easter-themed books online or at your favorite bookstore.

In the context of Lent, emphasize that Jesus was born and lived on Earth for one purpose — to show everyone how to achieve salvation and everlasting life. Note that he accepted and embraced this calling, despite his own suffering, because of the eternal glory that it would make available to all of us.

2. Age Level Explanation

You must explain the death of Jesus according to age. For younger ones, no need to dwell in a detailed explanation of crucifixion, because this can upset and frighten younger children. But you should explain Jesus’ death and his sacrifices. You should disseminate the idea of giving up his earthly life so that believers could have eternal salvation.

For preschoolers, stick to saying that Jesus died and rose from the dead for us.
For younger school kids, add in some more details about the death and resurrection. Note that it shows that death is not the end, but rather the beginning of eternal life.
Younger teens and beyond can better handle the details of crucifixion and comprehend the symbolism of death and rebirth vis-a-vis mankind’s salvation.

3. The Meaning of Easter 

Introduce the meaning of Easter. Teach your child that Easter is the most important day in  Christianity. Of course, it is more important than Christmas — and far more than just bunnies, eggs, and chocolate. Easter Sunday celebrates Jesus’ return from the dead. The concepts of resurrection and life after death are fundamental to the Christian faith, so introduce them early.

Tell younger kids that all the celebrating that surrounds Easter should remind us of the joy of knowing how much Jesus loves us, and that he showed us the path to eternal life.
Lent, then, is meant to be a time of reflection and focus, so that the faithful can be truly prepared to comprehend the power and glory of Easter Sunday.


Daily Reading, Saints

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