Third Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 1:12-17: Repent! The Kingdom of God is at Hand

Fr. Joseph Pandiappalli MCBS

On the third Sunday of the ordinary time we read in the Eucharistic liturgy from the Gospel of St. Mathew chapter 4, verses 12 to 17. This text is from the inaugural sermon of Jesus before starting his mission and ministry. Jesus said: „Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand.“ Around 1500 years later an Augustinian monk with the name Martin Luther reminded the Christians with his 95 theses and said: “Do penance! The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Today, more than 500 years after the appeal of Martin Luther to do penance and get converted, we confront disunity among the Christians and between different churches. The message of the Gospels in today’s Eucharistic liturgy is reconciliation. In the process of reconciliation we should find suitable concepts, designations, interaction and methods in order that none of the parties get offended, who cherish their own views, approaches and experiences. This message of conversion and reconciliation is important today because we are celebrating the week of prayer for Christian unity from 18th January to 25th January every year. For 2023, the theme of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is „Do Good, Seek Justice.“

Actually St. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ preached the same message about the Kingdom of God. Both preached to repent and convert. Martin Luther also preached the same. He said to do penance and convert.

But there is difference between the preaching and mission between John the Baptist, Martin Luther and Jesus. Jesus preached the Kingdom of God and chose 12 apostles to work for the kingdom. Neither John the Baptist nor Martin Luther had the intention to establish a community of their own. The intention of both of them was to preach about Jesus Christ. Martin Luther’s preaching had brought out different consequences due to different political and ecclesiastical reasons. Actually the church could understand the preaching of this Augustinian monk which had the content of the preaching of Jesus positively. Exactly similar are some of the discussions in the church today regarding differences in views and approaches.

There are different theological discussions about the concept of the Kingdom of God today. Some say that Jesus preached the kingdom of God and what came out is the church. Others say that the kingdom of God and the church are identical. The Catholic Church teaches that the Church subsists in the Kingdom of God. Unfortunately Martin Luthers intention to reform the church led to reformation and division. On the other hand we find that the ideas of Martin Luther and reformation helped the Catholic Church to be more aware of the common priesthood of all the baptised Christians and to study the Bible more intensively.

Today when we celebrate the week of prayer for Christian unity we are convinced that we have to look up on Christ and His message and to repent and do penance as John the Baptist and Martin Luther appealed. We have to work out a project for unity of the Christians from the ground level with the readiness to repent and do penance and to build up a church of mutual recognition where Jesus Christ reigns as the light of the world.

The orthodox churches, different Protestant churches and different free churches should be equally involved in the process of ecumenism. It is not a question today, who was right at that time or who could avoid division. Today is the time to come back to the house of the Father like the prodigal son. No claim is valid about the possession of the house of the Father. The Father’s house is there where Christ is present. Christ is present when two or three are gathered together in his name.

The unity among the Christians and the unity among the churches and the unity inside the church among its members are the need of the time. Let God the Father help the scattered Christians in different Churches to unite together in the name of Christ and proclaim the Kingdom of God. Let the Holy Spirit guide us to become united with Christ and among ourselves. Let us „Do Good, Seek Justice.“

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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