The Bishop of San Bartolomé de Chillán (Chile), Mons. Sergio Pérez de Arce, offered the faithful “some clues” to take the path to happiness in this new year 2023 that is beginning.
With a list of 8 points, the Prelate proposed advice “for a happy new year”, arguing that “desire is not enough”, but it is necessary to “get on the road”.
1. First of all, remember that “happiness is not a matter of luck nor does it depend on destiny”, but rather “it has to do, rather, with certain attitudes and behaviors that we assume in life”.
“To a large extent, it depends on ourselves, on the certain control that we manage to exercise over the environment and events, giving them meaning,” he said.
2. In the second point, he clarifies that “happiness is not the same as fun”.
Sometimes, he warns, “we look for one entertainment after another, new and more extraordinary experiences (as in drugs), but we don’t finish finding happiness.”
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“We believe that to be happy we need more and more,” he warns, and considers that “perhaps we need less, which is essential.”
3. Third, he notes that “the difficulties and pains of life are not an impediment to being happy, although they obviously affect us.”
“There are many people who, in the midst of suffering and trials, show patience and constancy in doing good. An outbreak of light can remain even in the midst of darkness, allowing you to live in serene happiness ”, she encourages.
4. The next point reminds us that for believers “happiness is closely linked to their experience of God’s love”.
“We are unconditionally and infinitely loved, God knows us by name and has us engraved in the palm of his hand,” he says. “Nothing separates us from this love, manifested in the dedication and friendship of Jesus Christ.”
5. In point number five, he adds that “along with the love of God, happiness is forged in the love that we share with others, in loving and being loved.”
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“On the contrary, if love is hurt or closed in on itself, happiness suffers,” he warns. “We are called to live each present moment filling it with love, knowing that ‘there is more happiness in giving than in receiving,’” she affirms, citing the book of the Acts of the Apostles.
6. Sixthly, it indicates that “true happiness is not just ‘our happiness’, since true love is open to all.”
And remembering the words of Jesus, he expresses: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his justice, and the rest you will receive as well.” This, he explains, “requires us to work for a society without exclusions.”
“Our mission in the world and in the Church is part of our understanding of happiness,” he says.
7. The next point maintains that “happiness goes hand in hand with good humor, a positive and hopeful spirit, and flees from constant complaints, which takes everything badly and does not laugh or forgive.”
“He also flees from melancholy, which paralyzes us in sadness and resentment. Ruminating on desolation eats away at our souls, ”she maintains.
8. Finally, he assures that “happiness means seeking one’s own conversion, because in life we can learn from our mistakes.”
“We are good at demanding changes from others and not seeing the transformations we need,” he stresses.
For this reason, “if we want to be happier, we cannot continue doing the things we do wrong or half as usual,” he advises, wishing a “Happy New Year 2023.”